Social, Educational, Political, Economic and Other Developments Occurred in Turkey between the Years of 1938-1980

Social, Educational, Political, Economic and Other Developments Occurred in Turkey between the Years of 1938-1980
Social, Educational, Political, Economic and Other Developments Occurred in Turkey between the Years of 1938-1980

Editors: Dr. Özkan Akman, Dr. Mustafa Murat Çay, Dr. Fatih Bozbayındır, Dr. Erhan Tunç

Turkey considered the near term, but over the history books but scattered and owned by the 1938-1980 period, based on anecdotal information with the second part begins. In this section, both the ideological orientation of the events and the “ideological” institutions it has created are analyzed in detail. The period of national chief, II. World War and Turkey’s positions, democrat party period, after 1950, the national education guidance and counseling education, public rooms of the establishment and Turkish literacy activities, 1950-1950 spatial distribution and development of Turkey’s industrial investments, 1950-1980 between Turkey’s population policies and structural changes, Turkey’s 1950-1980 period of urbanization to examine the geography of the context of population Dynamics, developments that have occurred in the geographical areas, the developments occurring in the field of sports May, 27, 1960 coup, the newly formed political parties and actors after the 1960 terrorist organizations, Sep. 12, 1980 coup in Turkey between 1938-1980 teacher training policies, the establishment of village institutes and educational activities, advancements made in the field of science education in Turkey have been described in detail by experts in the field will give writers.

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